33 Essential Questions to Ask your Contractor for Your Home Improvement Project

Alright, so you’re thinking of a home renovation, huh? You may have a list of potential contractors and are ready to start the hiring process. Hold up! Before you take another step in the hiring process, you must make sure you’re asking them the right questions and doing your research. Trust me, you don’t want to end up like us and hire the WRONG folks for the job. We were two brainiacs who made some seriously not-so-smart decisions during our home renovation (still scratching our heads over that one…).

Our first mistake? Finding some random person on Kijiji. Yeah, you heard me. We made a list of names and went on with our bad selves. But let me tell you, that was a TERRIBLE idea. Those guys had zero transparency and we ended up regretting every penny spent. Moral of the story? Avoid the Kijiji route at all costs and read reviews to ensure transparency.

But did we learn our lesson? Nope, not at first. We went ahead and hired another Kijiji dude (I can hear you judging us, but it’s okay, we deserve it). After searching through Google reviews, we finally came across the third contractor who successfully completed the job with exceptional quality.

Moral of the story? Don’t take shortcuts, have a solid idea of what you want before you start the hiring process, and do your research. Your home sweet home deserves the best! Take it from us, don’t repeat our mistakes!

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Here is a list of 33 Essential Questions to Ask your Contractor for your Home Improvement Project

1. How long have you been in this business?

It’s an unfortunate reality that some contractors in the industry have a habit of declaring bankruptcy and then reopening under a different name the next day. This can leave homeowners in a tough spot mid-project and can cause a lot of headaches. While contractors may excel at the physical aspects of their work, managing finances may not be their strong suit, leading to these situations. But don’t worry, there are steps you can take to protect yourself such as checking the associated business registry (ServiceOntario or le Registraire des entreprises) to confirm how long a contractor has been in business. If a contractor claims to have decades of experience but their current business has only been registered for a short time, it’s worth digging deeper and asking some questions. And if you’re not satisfied with the answers, it’s best to keep searching for a more reliable contractor.

2. What services do you offer?

To ensure that your home renovation project is a success, it’s important to clarify the range of services that your contractor offers. This can vary depending on the contractor, with some offering in-house design services while others may collaborate with external designers. Be sure to discuss with your contractor to gain a comprehensive understanding of the services they can provide for your project.

3. What experience do you have with projects similar to mine? Do you have pictures of your projects?

Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure to ask your contractor to show you some of their previous work. And don’t take their word for it – ask them to email you pictures so you can make sure they’re not pulling them off Pinterest. (Hey, you never know when you might need evidence for a lawsuit, right? Kidding! Sort of.)

Taking a look at their contractor portfolio will give you a good sense of their contractor skills and experience. If all their contractor projects have been condo renovations but you’re looking to spruce up your house, that’s something to keep in mind. After all, there’s a big difference between installing sleek, modern fixtures in a high-rise and tearing down walls in a suburban split-level. So be smart and do your homework – your home renovation or home improvement project is worth it!

4. Can you provide a list of references I can contact?

You must talk to the contractors references before hiring any contractor for your home renovation project. And if they seem like decent human beings, go ahead and meet them in person to check out the work the contractor did for them. Trust us, you wouldn’t want to hire someone who will ‘practice’ or ‘learn the trade’ on your job.

Unfortunately, we learned this lesson the hard way. We hired different contractors for various jobs, but the ones who came with glowing references were the ones who did an excellent job. They finished the project on time, didn’t exceed the budget, and were professional contractors.

You can find contractors through your friends and family or online. But be careful and avoid contractor scams! Check out our blog for some juicy horror stories about Contractor #1 and #2, and find out how to avoid the same mistakes we made. Trust us; it’s worth reading before selecting a contractor for your home renovation project.

5. Are you licensed and insured?

Listen up, friends! Don’t get scammed by some shady contractor who’s in it for a quick buck. You have to make sure they’re legitimate before handing over your hard-earned cash. And no, their business registration number won’t cut it. They could disappear into the sunset faster than you can say “renovation nightmare.”

So, here’s the deal: ask if they’re licensed and insured. And don’t let them pull a fast one on you – make sure they cough up their insurance number before you sign on that dotted line. You don’t want to be left high and dry with a half-finished home, do ya?

6. Can you provide proof of liability and workers’ compensation insurance?

Hiring an uninsured contractor could expose you to significant legal and financial risks. To safeguard yourself, it’s crucial to hire a professional contractor who can provide proof of business liability insurance and Workers’ Compensation coverage. These documents will ensure that you’re protected in the event of any accidents or injuries that may occur during the project. So, before hiring a contractor, make sure to ask for these essential documents to ensure you’re working with a reputable and trustworthy professional.

7. Will you be providing a written contract?

It’s a red flag if the contractor refuses to put everything in writing. A detailed contract is crucial for protecting yourself and ensuring the job is done right. From the scope of work to the materials used to the payment details, make sure everything is spelled out clearly in writing before the renovation starts. Without a written agreement, you could end up in a he-said-she-said scenario. Protect yourself and your investment by getting everything in writing.

8. Can you explain the payment schedule for the project?

It’s always best to avoid paying the full amount upfront for contracting work, and a reliable contractor would never even request it. Nevertheless, it’s essential to discuss payment terms before construction begins to avoid any surprises. Whether you’re hiring home service professionals or tackling a large-scale renovation project, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the total cost and payment schedule. This will ensure that both parties are on the same page, and you can avoid any potential misunderstandings or disputes.

9. Can you provide a detailed estimate for the project?

To ensure you stay on budget, always ask for a detailed estimate from your contractor.

A comprehensive estimate allows you to review the costs and identify any areas where you can cut down the expenses without sacrificing quality.

For instance, if your contractor gives you a quote of $10,000 for a bathroom renovation, and you decide to remove the heated floors from the scope, they can come back to you with an arbitrary amount that they reduced from the total cost.

With a detailed estimate, you can see exactly how much the total cost has reduced by when you remove an item. Don’t settle for a vague estimate that leaves room for surprises – get a detailed estimate in writing!

10. Can you provide a timeline for the project, including start and end dates?

Having a clear understanding of the timeline for your home renovation project is crucial.

In order to avoid any surprises or delays, it’s important to ask your contractor a few key questions:

  • Are there any other projects currently underway that could impact our timeline?
  • Do you have any pending bids that might affect this project’s start or completion dates?
  • How do you handle necessary changes to the timeline, should they arise?

Getting the answers to these questions upfront can help you plan accordingly and ensure that your renovation project stays on track. Remember, communication is key!

11. Will you obtain the permits and set up in the inspections required for this job?

While it may not be the most exciting topic, permits and inspections are an essential part of any major home renovation. Unless you want the wrath of the building inspector to rain down upon you, it’s best to make sure your contractor knows the ins and outs of the permitting process. You don’t want to end up like us, taking down and redoing a structural wall three times (yup, you heard me right) because we didn’t understand the permit process or understand our options clearly.

12. Will we have a dedicated team working on my job?

When it comes to hiring a contracting company, you want to make sure you can trust them! It’s important to ask some key questions to ensure you’re getting a consistent team of experts working on your home each day. Here are a list of questions you should ask:

  • Will the same team be showing up to work on my house each day or will it be a revolving door of random workers?
  • Who will be the project manager, and what will they be managing specifically each day?
  • Do you work with subcontractors? And if so, have they been properly vetted and covered by your insurance?
  • How often will the boss man/woman be checking in on the progress of the project?

Remember, it’s your home and your money on the line, so don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions.

13. Is my job the only job you will be working on or will you have other projects running in parallel?

During our home renovation, our third contractor began another project after completing only 25% of our work. Can you believe it? He even had the audacity to tell us that he would only be available on the weekends! Needless to say, it was a frustrating experience. Make sure the contractor you hire is committed to your job start to finish, and get that in writing.

14. What is the best method of getting in touch with you?

You don’t want to be left hanging when you have questions or concerns, so it’s important to have a designated point of contact when working with a contracting company. You need to know how to reach them and when they’re available, so it’s like having a phone number for your favorite pizza joint. Make sure they don’t put you on hold for too long!

15. What is a working day like, if you were start on a project with us?

Before construction begins, it’s important for both homeowners and contractors to be on the same page about what to expect on construction days. Here are some targeted questions you should ask:

  • What are the estimated start and end times for construction day(s)?
  • Should I move any items that are in or near the work area?
  • What can I expect in terms of noise level?
  • Will I need to be present at any point during the day?

It’s also important to provide your contractor with key information about the project ahead of time. This includes:

  • The parking situation in your neighborhood
  • Which restrooms, if any, are available for use
  • Where the power outlets are located
  • Who will be home during construction (including furry friends) and if they may distract the workers

16. How will you clean up at the end of each day?

Believe me when I say, you don’t want to skip this question. I learned the hard way after seeing my precious, expensive tiles treated like a doormat. Tools strewn everywhere, cement on everything, it was a nightmare. At one point, I even started covering up the completed floors in the bathroom.

A reputable contractor will always ensure that end-of-day clean-up is taken care of by their crew, regardless of whether the project lasts a day or several weeks. Make sure to confirm that they will remove all trash and debris, and ask about their disposal methods. Trust me, you’ll thank me later!

17. How and where will tools and materials be stored if the project lasts for multiple days?

Keeping your home tidy during a renovation can be a tough task. Ensure that your contractor has a plan in place to store tools and materials neatly and out of sight when the team is not on the job. Don’t be afraid to ask about the size of the equipment and how it will be transported to and from the storage area. You don’t want to risk any damage to your property in the process.

18. What steps will you take to protect my property

It’s essential to have a frank conversation with your contractor about how they’ll protect your property during construction, even if it is an awkward conversation.

Make sure to ask your contractor specific questions about how they plan to safeguard your home:

  • Will tarps be used to cover furniture and other large items in work areas?
  • Will workers wear shoe coverings when entering your home to prevent dirt and debris from being tracked inside?
  • Will they suggest moving any items to other areas of the home to prevent damage?
  • Will doors be closed and locked when entering and leaving your home?

By asking these questions, you can help ensure that your contractor is taking the necessary precautions to protect your property during the construction process.

19. Should there be additional changes with this project, how will this be handled?

Home renovation projects can often bring surprises and unforeseen circumstances, which can lead to changes in the original estimated cost.

It’s essential to establish a process for handling changes to the project scope, budget, or timeline. This can be done by creating a change order, which outlines the modifications to the project and any resulting changes in the overall cost.

Your contractor should be able to provide guidance on how to create a change order and what to include in it.

20. What warranty do you offer on your work?

When hiring a contractor, it’s important to ensure that they offer a written warranty that clearly states what is covered and for how long. Additionally, a reputable contractor should provide prompt follow-up service in case of any issues or defects in their work.

21. Who will be responsible for obtaining and paying for materials?

Ask this question because it can have a significant impact on the cost and timeline of the project. If the contractor is responsible for purchasing the materials, they may be able to get them at a discounted rate or have established relationships with suppliers, which could save you money.

On the other hand, if you are responsible for purchasing the materials, you have more control over the quality and price of the materials, but it may take longer for the project to get started if there are delays in obtaining the necessary materials.

It’s important to have a clear understanding of who is responsible for what before the project begins to avoid any confusion or unexpected costs.

22. Do you get any discounts with suppliers?

When you are renovating a whole house, small discounts will add up!

23. What type of communication can I expect during the project?

Enquire with the contractor about their communication plan with you.

24. How often will you provide updates on the project?

Building upon the previous question, request information from the contractor regarding the frequency and format of project updates you can expect to receive.

25. How do you typically resolve disagreements with your customers?

When it comes to home renovation, disputes between contractors and homeowners may occur, regardless of good intentions. It’s crucial to ask the contractor how they handle these disputes, which shows that they have a process in place to address situations where clients are not satisfied. This question can help ensure that the contractor is accountable and responsive to their clients’ needs.

26. Who is ultimately responsible for the work?

A general contractor may use subcontractors or send their crew to your house. This can be an issue if they use a less skilled substitute without informing you. Know who to talk to if you’re not happy.

27. Who are your main suppliers?

It’s important to know where your contractor is sourcing materials, especially if you have a specific standard or budget in mind. Tile prices can vary widely, from $2.00 to $35.00 per square foot. By asking your contractor about their preferred suppliers, you can avoid any surprises down the line.

28. Will you clean – up at the end of the project?

Don’t forget to ask this important question – it can save you time and frustration. During my home renovation, I insisted that the contractor clean the renovated bathrooms before issuing the final payment, as specified in our contract. Even though the contractor resisted, I stood my ground and quoted the contract. With a full home renovation, you have enough to deal with, and you shouldn’t have to clean up cement and silicone from the floors and walls. Consider including a cleaning clause in your contract – it’s a small cost that can make a big difference.

29. Will you be providing any design or planning services for the project?

Based on our experience, while contractors may have some ideas, it is highly advisable to hire a designer, especially if you are planning a major renovation project.

30. How will you ensure that the project will stay within budget?

If you are on a tight budget, it is crucial to find a contractor who is committed to staying within your budget and doing everything possible to minimize costs.

31. How do you ensure quality control throughout the project?

Asking a contractor about their quality control measures is important to ensure that the finished project meets your expectations and is built to code. It helps you understand their processes and procedures, which is important in making an informed decision about hiring them.

32. Can you provide any advice or suggestions for maximizing the functionality or aesthetics of the project?

When it comes to renovation, it’s important to get everyone’s ideas on how to design the space, including those of the contractor. However, it’s crucial to finalize the design based on your personal preferences. This helps ensure that the finished project meets your expectations and goals.

33. How do you ensure that the project is completed on time, and what steps do you take to stay on schedule?

It’s important to ask your contractor if they are willing to work extra hours in the event of a delay. Contractor #3 was particularly impressive in this regard, as they put in late hours to ensure the project was completed on time, for which we were grateful.

Having a thorough understanding of your project and the contractors you’re considering can save you time, money, and headaches down the road. So, it’s important to ask the right questions and do your due diligence before making any hiring decisions.

Good Luck!

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